Full Edit:



Short Fiction




Editing Services

A full manuscript edit includes content, developmental, and line edits in the first round, along with a detailed editorial letter explaining any big-picture plot or character issues or continuity errors, and suggestions for addressing those issues.

Also included is a second round proofread after edits have been implemented.

This option is best for more experienced writers who have already self-edited and are ready for a more professional edit, or manuscripts that have already been through critique groups and beta readers.

Starts at $.03 per word. Payment plans available.

For newer writers or manuscripts that have not had professional editing or other polishing, a developmental edit includes one round of developmental and content edits, with comments explaining why certain changes should be made, and suggestions for improvement, along with a detailed editorial letter explaining big-picture issues and an overview of the edit.

Starts at $.03 per word. Payment plans available.

A manuscript review includes a detailed edit of the first fifteen pages and a detailed editorial letter explaining what’s working, what isn’t, plot holes and inconsistencies, and individualized feedback on writing strengths and weaknesses.

$500 up to 100,000 words. Payment plans available.

A complete edit, including developmental, content, and line edits, along with a detailed editorial letter explaining big-picture issues and an overview of the edit. One round.

Starting at $.03 per word. Payment plans available.

For manuscripts that have been edited and polished and just need a final set of eyes to check for errors.

$50 per hour. Payment plans available.

A mentoring appointment can be whatever you need it to be! From a one-off brainstorming session to an ongoing relationship to work through your writing and publishing goals, a mentoring appointment can help you take your writing to the next level.

These appointments can be via video chat or telephone, or another platform if you prefer.

$80 per hour, one hour minimum.

I am available for speaking and teaching sessions for writers groups, conferences, classrooms, and more!

Contact me for rates and availability.